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The best evolving resource for our community

We are a group of volunteers committed to supporting our community's needs and those of our Library by providing opportunities to learn, experience, and have fun through vibrant community programs and events.

Love the Millbrae Library? Help us keep it the gem of our community.

Money, material donations, time, effort—We appreciate all forms of donations!

Shop 24/7 at our Amazon bookstore for English, Chinese, and Japanese materials.

Your donations go directly into programming, cultural events and enhancing the Millbrae Library.

Help to support our community

If you’re committed to nonprofits and passionate about accessible educational and cultural programming, we encourage you to apply to be a member of our Board. 

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Visit Millbrae Library

Find a book, browse the extensive movie and music collection, or discover our upcoming programs and classes over at Millbrae Library.


Visit the Friends of the Library bookstore!

The bookstore is open Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays during library hours from 10:00am to 5:00pm. Donations of books, DVD's, and CD's are not being accepted at this time.


Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays the library is only open for children's summer learning programs.

Social justice
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