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Be on the Friends of the Library wall! Your plaque can honor families, clubs, associations, businesses, and loved ones.
Includes 1 year FML membership

Donor Plaque
$1,000 or more
Be on the Friends of the Library wall! Your plaque can honor families, clubs, associations, businesses, and loved ones.
Includes FML Lifetime membership

Donor Plaque
Make a Gift to the Friends
Honor a friend or family member, celebrate an occasion, or remember someone with a gift to the Friends of the Millbrae Library. An acknowledgment will be sent to both the donor and the honoree.
We are recognized by the IRS as a non-profit charitable 501 (C) (3) tax-deductible organization. EIN 94-2569973.
Ceramic Book Spine
Delight your child with their very own book spine. These colorful and personalized ceramic book spines decorate our library's Kids Room.